I painted this Bentley from a photo and it took me eight days or so to finish. Typically this vehicle was owned by a man but the painting was ordered by his daughter.

I painted this fine breakdown lorry in the Volvo Museum in Gothenburg (I also learned that it's pronounced "Yottabury" in Swedish). I was attracted to it because it was so colourful.

I painted this six-wheeled Titan again in the Volvo Museum. It was a beautiful wagon but too big to fit on the page. (Pronounced "Teetan")

Again these Bugattis were owned by a man but I was commissioned by his wife. From a photo.

This tractor (done from a photo) came from a book called "Beautiful Tactors".

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Add some text here about this item name when it was painted and some general text ie anything interesting you would like to say about it associated stories and son on.